
Alcohol related LivER disease audit : ALERT - UK

BASL ArLD Specialist Interest Group

Welcome to the official webpage for ALERT- UK audit. Here you will find all the information you need to register your hospital.

Why take part?

Alcohol related liver disease (ArLD) is the most common cause of liver related morbidity and mortality in the UK, and deaths from ArLD have doubled in the last decade. Previous published work has identified significant shortcomings in care for this patient group.  

ALERT UK is a nationwide, multi-centre audit designed to evaluate the current standards of care for patients admitted to UK hospitals with ArLD. This project aims to identify current shortfalls in care to highlight areas for targeted improvement.

We aim to assess the current care for inpatients with ArLD against the recently published Quality standards.  We need as many UK sites as possible to join to ensure we collect data representative of current care standards. 

We only require 20 patients per hospital site. All health care professionals caring for patients with ArLD are welcome to participate in the audit and will be credited as PubMed citable authors on outputs.                                                                                     

How to register

  1. Please complete this form to register your hospital (1 per site)
  2. On receipt of your registration form, the local audit lead will be sent a pre coded spreadsheet with instructions to send to your local data team. This will identify your list of 20 patients for inclusion with an ‘end of admission’ date during the period 1st July 2022 – 30th September 2022 (inclusive).
  3. A link to the online data collection form will be sent to the audit lead (1 form per patient to be completed).
  4. Please also register ALERT-UK with your local organisation's audit department. A single page project summary and the HRA decision tool outcome is available to download below to support your local registration process.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Supporting documents

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