Workforce Reports
The BSG Workforce Report collates data from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Census of consultant physicians and higher specialty trainees, the BSG Clinical Services and Standards Committee (CSSC) & Workforce Census and the Medical Register of the General Medical Council (GMC).
BSG Workforce Report 2023
Key Points
On 27th October ‘22 there were 1941 substantive and locum consultant gastroenterologists and hepatologists in the UK, a 9.2% expansion from ‘21.
24% of consultants were female and 20% of consultants worked flexibly and or LTFT. The total flexible workforce increased by 5% on last year.
The consultant workforce has expanded by 70% over the last ten years; mean yearly expansion is 6.3%.
In the 2021 census 1 FTE substantive consultant served 40,510 people and in 2022 1 FTE substantive consultant served 42,815.
Mean intended retirement age is reported at 62 with 49% reported to reach this age over the next decade. On average this is 74 retirements a year.
Mean WTE PAs contracted per week were 11.54PAs and flexible PAs were 7.0PAs; Consultants reported working an additional 1PA a week. This is an increase of activity due to an increase in retiring consultants.
59% of respondents to the RCP census reported a consultant vacancy in their department.
With the current predicted shortfall in workforce, predicted retirements and population growth (particularly in those over the age of 70yrs) we need much more than 9% expansion.
On 30th September 2023 there were 660 gastroenterology and hepatology Higher Specialty Trainees in the UK. This is a reduction in number from 700 HSTs due to the shortened 4 yr curriculum in the advent of Shape of Training.
Only 27% of newly qualified consultants respondents to the RCP post CCT survey intend to apply for a substantive post.
Respondents to the RCP census report that the number of locums in the department has doubled.
76% Consultants over 65 yrs surveyed are now working LTFT or Flexibly. This data implies high retention rates of the retiring workforce.
It would be appropriate to increase the numbers of ST4 NTNs recruited each year to address the consultant deficit and need for greater expansion.
Dr Shairoz Samji
BSG Workforce Lead
The State of the Workforce 2023
Video summarising the 2023 Workforce Report by Dr Shairoz Samji, BSG Workforce Lead.