BSG Mentoring
Programme Information
Why participate?
Mentorship can be immensely satisfying for both mentor and mentee. It involves developing a relationship, based on trust, through which the mentor offers support, encourages professional development, and facilitates problem solving of mentee identified issues through discussion, empowering the mentee to maximise their potential. As a mentee, you choose the issues you wish to explore in this supportive environment.
There are a wide range of excellent educational resources on mentoring on the BSG mentoring platform to widen your understanding and knowledge of mentoring. It includes guides on being a mentor and mentee as well as introductions to questioning, goal setting, and getting the most out of your mentoring sessions.
How will it work?
The mentoring scheme was introduced at BSG Live 22 and launched in September 2022. It is a rolling programme, and you are able to join as you wish. The mentoring platform hosts the profiles of the mentors and mentees in the scheme. It facilitates sophisticated matching, mentoring pair communication, document sharing, hosting of educational material and meetings via videochat.
Mentors and mentees are matched according to their overlapping interests and aspirations. Mentees are offered a list of mentors according to the “best” matches. It is for the mentee to consider the mentor profiles and choose who they would like to approach. There is the opportunity to ask questions of the mentor, and it can be useful to have an initial “getting to know you” conversation.
Pairs may choose to meet face to face or remotely. We encourage between 4 and 6 meetings a year. We hope that the mentor/mentee relationships will run for a 12-month period.
Interested in participating?
If you are interested in taking part in the BSG Mentoring Programme please contact the Mentoring Manager at [email protected] in the first instance.
BSG Mentoring Platform
Click on the URL to launch the BSG Mentoring Platform hosted by PLD Works.
Remember, you must be logged in to your BSG account to be able to access this.