Trainees Committee

Since 2011, the Trainees Section has become one of the largest and most vibrant bodies within the Society, further developing and delivering training, education, leadership, representation and networking for registrars across the UK.

The Trainees Section organise a number of well-recognised events, including the Management and Leadership Weekend, the Education Weekend and the Taster Weekend, as well as playing an important role in the programme of the BSG Annual Meeting. Trainees have representation on every BSG committee and have led on a number of important initiatives, including writing national BSG guidelines. 

Trainees Resources

Flexible Training/Working in Gastroenterology

LTFT trainees may be part-time clinical, part-time academic, some are LTFT due to caring responsibilities and some to support physical and or mental health problems. Others might be category 2 in order to pursue other exceptional interests or talents outside of medicine. Training in a busy craft specialty LTFT can sometimes present hurdles.

Find out more

Future Endoscopy Training in the UK

The new Shape of Training changes means that gastroenterology speciality training has reduced from 5 years to 4 years. One major impact of this is on endoscopy training – previously trainees were reaching competency usually quite close to the end of training, so there has been a need to change the structure of endoscopy training to allow for the shorter time spans. Endoscopy Academies are being developed across each region in the UK, and we discuss those, as well as other changes that might affect endoscopy training, and tips for getting ahead of the curve with endoscopy training.

Watch Dr Radha Gadhok’s interview with Dr Roisin Bevan about her main talk on ‘Future Endoscopy Training in the UK’.

BSG Trainees Top Tips Video Series

Preparing to apply for a Gastro NTN and starting in a post as a Junior SpR can present a variety of new challenges. Over 2023 & 2024 current Gastro SpRs will be producing a series of 10 minute “Top Tips” videos, sharing tips and tricks for tackling a variety of scenarios.

Watch the full series here.

SSG Digest This! Stepping into a consultant job

This episode is in the new series "an evening with Digest This!" where we explore non-clinical topics. In these episodes divided into 3 parts, participants discuss "stepping into a consultant job". In this episode, 4 newly appointed consultants share their tips for transitioning smoothly from registrar to a consultant job. 

Watch it here.

BSG Trainees Podcast

The BSG Trainees Podcast launches with a series of interviews with key figures in gastroenterology, exploring how they developed their passion for gastroenterology and their work. Think of The Life Scientific but “The Life Enteric”!

Tune into all episodes here.

Trainee Research Networks

Trainee research networks are a collaborative effort to conduct high-quality multicentre audits or research that is led, designed and delivered by trainees. Our specialty has been able to produce some truly impactful research, and we look forward to future work and collaborations.

Find out more.


February 06, 2025

Call for UEG Lifetime Achievement Award 2025

As a UEG member society, the BSG has been asked to nominate deserving candidates for the esteemed UEG Lifetime Achievement Award. This prestigious recognition honours an individual with a career of at least 30 years, whose remarkable achievements have improved the lives of people in relation to digestive health and whose contributions, leadership, and influence have been pivotal to UEG and widely recognised within the broader gastroenterological and myUEG community.

January 05, 2025

Guts UK/Dr Falk Awards 2025 - Apply Now

Applications for the Guts UK/Dr Falk Awards are now open and provide a real opportunity to celebrate the everyday wins of healthcare professionals across the UK.

October 07, 2024

Barbers’ Company Award for Trainees in Gastroenterology

The Barbers’ Company Award for Trainees in Gastroenterology was introduced in 2021, and has been established by the Barber’s Company in memory of Sir Francis Avery Jones, past Master of the Barbers’ Company and past President of the BSG.

Fellowship Opportunities

Committee Members

TitleFirst nameSurnameCommittee PositionRegionDate ElectedEnd of Term
DrRiciaGwenterCommittee ChairWessex20222025
DrArunSivananthanDemitting ChairEx Officio20242025
DrAmyJohnsonCommittee MemberNorthern20232025
DrLauraWhiteCommittee MemberNorth West Thames20242026
DrGeorginaKerryCommittee MemberNorth East Thames20242026
DrAlexanderJohnstonCommittee MemberSevern/South West20242026
DrHannahMorganCommittee MemberNorth West20242026
DrAbdulhameedRahimiCommittee MemberEast of England20232025
DrLucyGorardCommittee MemberKSS20232025
DrYaaDansoCommittee MemberSouth West Thames20232025
DrDavidLeonardCommittee MemberWest Midlands20232025
DrSarahHancoxCommittee MemberYorkshire and Humber20242026
DrHeatherBlairCommittee MemberWales20222025
DrZaw MyoAungCommittee MemberOxford20232025
DrCiaraMcAuleyCommittee MemberNI20232025
DrJoshOrpen-PalmerCommittee MemberWest of Scotland (also covering East of Scotland for Jennie Cathacart on Mat Leave)20242026
DrAsimHamzaCommittee MemberMersey20242026
DrMohamedShihaCommittee MemberEast Midlands20242026
DrJenniferCathcartCommittee MemberEast of Scotland20232025
IMT and FY reps
DrAlexHongCommittee MemberIMT representative20242026
DrMayaThrasherCommittee MemberIMT representative20242026
DrHannahMorrisonCommittee MemberFY representative20242026
DrAliceBuckleyCommittee MemberFY representative20242026


BASL Representative

DrAamirSaif UddinBSG NIHR Trainee representative for gastroenterology Ex Officio

DrAaronBancilNIHR Trainee representativeEx Officio


Terms of Reference

These are the Terms of Reference for the BSG Trainees Section Committee.