The Alistair McIntyre Prize for Improving Gastroenterology Training
The Alistair McIntyre Prize for Improving Gastroenterology Training is designed to support work that may improve gastroenterology training in the UK.
The Alistair McIntyre Prize for Improving Gastroenterology Training is designed to support work that may improve gastroenterology training in the UK.
The Alistair McIntyre Prize for Improving Gastroenterology Training is designed to support work that may improve gastroenterology training in the UK.
The winner will receive the Alistair McIntyre Prize and an award of £1,000 and the two runners up will receive £500 each, to contribute to their project.
The award is open to any BSG member who is training in gastroenterology in the UK. This includes members of the BSG Trainee Section Committee not directly involved in the organisation of the award. Applications are welcomed from doctors in LAT posts, as well as those in numbered posts. Applicants must be in a recognised training scheme.
The award is to support a project looking at an aspect of training in Gastroenterology. The proposal must look at an aspect of training in Gastroenterology but there are no specific restrictions on the nature of the work. Appropriate submissions would include research projects, high-quality audits, qualitative studies, or local training initiatives. This can be a project that has already been completed, is currently being undertaken, or has not yet started. Whilst all applications are encouraged, projects which are still at the proposal stage will be ranked lower than those that are already underway/completed.
The winner and runners up must be available to attend the BSG Annual Meeting Plenary session in order to accept their award.
Below are the fields you’ll need to complete.
The successful applicants must submit a short report (300-500 words) to the Trainees’ Section within 12 months of the award. The report should include a summary of the work undertaken, an outline of the results, and how the funding has helped.
To apply for this award, please click here.
This award is for members only. Please ensure you are logged into your BSG member account before opening the form page.