BSG Gut Highlights
Gut is a leading international peer-reviewed journal in gastroenterology and hepatology, with an established reputation for publishing first class clinical research of the alimentary tract, liver, biliary tree, and pancreas. It is co-owned by the BSG and the BMJ Group. The current impact factor is 24.5 and the journal ranks very highly in the Science Citation Index Gastroenterology & Hepatology category. It has a Citescore of 47.4.
All members of the BSG get free access to Gut articles via the BSG website. However, this is often an underutilised resource. So now the BSG aims to bring Gut and the BSG members closer together by highlighting the best and most interesting articles recently published either online or in print in a ‘BSG Gut Highlights’ series each month. Our team of BSG Gut Ambassadors will write 250-word abstract summaries of Gut papers, from basic science papers to clinical original research, and from all the subspecialties and subsections papers are published with an issue of Gut.
We hope this will be a ‘staple’ and useful resource for BSG members and stimulate people to read the full papers, and even set up journal clubs in their NHS trusts to discuss them. These BSG Gut Highlights will be advertised on social media and via BSG emails – watch out for them and please do give us feedback via [email protected].
Read the latest Gut Highlights
January 2024 Gut Highlights
Persistent villous atrophy predicts development of complications and mortality in adult patients with coeliac disease - Schiepatti A, Maimaris S, Raju S et al.