Meet the Project 90 Team
What is Project 90?
BSG will celebrate its 90th birthday in 2027 and plans to celebrate the profession and the membership by providing enhanced membership benefits in the run-up to this milestone, allowing members to discover or re-discover their passion for the profession and specialty. A variety of new member opportunities are planned and this celebration will be known as Project 90.
The Project 90 Team have now recruited 5 Workstream Leads to start work on delivering on the plan. With Beverly Oates as overall Clinical Lead, we have: -Monica Bose – leading on Leadership and Management
Phedra Dodds - leading on Nurse Education
Mo Thoufeeq – leading on Travelling Fellowships
Umesh Basavaraju – leading on Regional meetings
John McGoran leading on Career Support
Meet the Project 90 Team
BSG will celebrate its 90th birthday in 2027 and plans to celebrate the profession and the membership by providing enhanced membership benefits in the run-up to this milestone, allowing members to discover or re-discover their passion for the profession and specialty.