St James's University Hospital, Leeds

Senior Fellow in Pancreaticobiliary Medicine
One year

The post holder will contribute to 2 clinics (a general gastroenterology clinic and the combined benign pancreatology clinic) and 1 inpatient endoscopy list per week. The remaining 7 sessions will include at least 5-6 dedicated pancreaticobiliary endoscopy lists a week, attendance at the regional benign and cancer pancreatic MDT and time to undertake project work. Training can be tailored to the candidate’s career plans and experience i.e. training in ERCP only or both EUS and ERCP. The fellow will participate in vetting and assessing patients referred for ERCP/EUS and other advanced endoscopic procedures (to include ward reviews before and after procedures).

Advanced pancreaticobiliary endoscopy techniques include management of hilar strictures, post-transplant ERCP, SpyGlass DS cholangioscopy, interventional EUS including drainage of pancreatic fluid collections, EUS-guided biliary drainage, EDGE/ EDGI and EUS-gastro-jejunostomy.

There is not a general medicine compoenent to this role, and on-call commitment is negotiable. 

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Currently accepting applications:

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On-call Commitment
No on call unless desired

Lists Per Week:

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